What is Social Wifi Marketing?

Social WiFi Marketing

Offering free WiFi to customers is nothing new, restaurants and hotels have been doing it for a while. Social WiFi Marketing gives your WiFi more power, think of it as WiFi in a superman outfit.

What is Social WiFi Marketing?

This is a form of proximity marketing that allows you to communicate with your customers using a Social WiFi Platform. Customer data is extremely valuable, to both business owners and the customers. Social WiFi uses a captive portal that allows you to capture customer data before they connect to your Restaurant WiFi. You can brand this Captive Portal / Splash screen with your venue colors to give it more personality.

Social WiFi Marketing Captive portal

A simplified login process is one of the key features of Social WiFi. The era of writing down passwords and giving login codes to customers is long gone. More and more venue owners are setting up their WiFi network with a sign-in splash page asking customers to connect using social media accounts.

Once you have properly installed Social WiFi your business will be able to collect customer data, increase sales, improve repeat visits, track patron traffic, and build customer insights. WiFi Marketing in South Africa continues to grow as more venues try new ways to reach potential customers.

The Benefits of WiFi Advertising

Installing a WiFi Marketing Solution not only creates an easy way for customers to access WiFi, but it also gives you the power to do more within the wifi advertising platform. With every login from your customer, you will be able to collect data, increase customer engagement, and market your products.

Here are some added benefits of Social WiFi Marketing

  • You can increase your brand presence. From the moment your customers enter your venue the Branded WiFi Captive Portal lets them know exactly where they are. You can also direct your patrons to your social media pages to either check-in, follow, or like your social media pages.
  • Personalize your communication with the data that you collect. Social WiFi Solutions give you the power to learn more about your customers. For instance, you could send an email campaign to your customers based on gender and age.
  • Get feedback and improve customer reviews. Social WiFi automatically asks your customers to rate their visit after they have left, above all, it will help you manage bad reviews before they get online. Google uses reviews to rank your business on search results, in other words, your reviews impact your organic SEO.
  • Build Loyalty and reward your customers. A good wifi hotspot marketing solution knows how many times a customer has visited. You can send a nice message by email or on the welcome pages thanking them for their continued support. You can also decide how many visits qualify for a reward and send a loyalty coupon to your customers to redeem.

Getting Started with WiFi Marketing

Social WiFi marketing offers a lot of benefits including automated emails wishing a customer a happy birthday as well as promoting events and special offers. These personal touches to your marketing and communication are what makes customers feel special. Most Social WiFi service providers will offer a Social WiFi Router that is already set up or configure your current router. Bigger venues may need a much more complex setup. It is very easy to setup wifi marketing campaigns once you have a professional installation in place.